Crisis & Support Resources
Before calling 911: If you or someone you know is in immediate, life-threatening danger and decide to call 911, please be aware that police are not equipped to offer mental health support and may even pose danger to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, Mentally Ill, Neurodivergent, and Disabled People.
Please reach out to community leaders, neighbors, friends, and family to be present if you are calling the police.
See below for crisis warm-lines that do not use police intervention
For community-based alternatives to police in your city:
Visit: Don't Call the Police for resources with transparency about reporting policies
Search for mobile crisis or community response teams in your city.
Calling 211 in some cities will dispatch community response teams instead of law enforcement. Ask in advance whether they dispatch the police if this is a concern.
Ask trusted loved ones for support: In addition to calling crisis services, we warmly encourage you to let your trusted loved ones know that you are struggling. Feel free to share these tips below with them if they're helpful to you:
Ask them to stay with you and to make a plan together. You don't have to face this alone.
If you do not want police or hospital intervention, communicate this clearly.
Ask them to listen and empathize, and not judge, give advice, or center their own feelings.
If you are using substances, alcohol, or self-injury to cope, ask them to stay with you without judgement.
When you are ready for help, ask them to remove it from you.
Remove weapons: If there are weapons such as guns nearby, please lock them away or ask a trusted person to remove them. Your safety is the priority.
100% Police-Free / Anti-carceral Support Lines
Crisis services: warm-lines that do not use police intervention The warm-lines below offer transparency about their reporting and tracing policies:
Call BlackLine (800) 604-5841 Available 24/7 ”Call BlackLine provides a space for peer support, counseling, reporting of mistreatment, witnessing and affirming the lived experiences for folxs who are most impacted by systematic oppression with an LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens. Call BlackLine prioritizes BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color). By us for us.”
Thrive Lifeline Text “THRIVE” to 313-662-8209 Available 24/7 through text ”If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis and need to chat with a qualified crisis responder, we are here for you. If you are an underrepresented individual (person of color, LGBTQ2S+, person living with disabilities, neurodiverse, and/or other marginalized identities), and experiencing obstacles because of (or simply have questions about) your identities, we want to help you navigate those."
Trans Life Line (877) 565-8860 Available 24/7 ”Trans Lifeline provides trans peer support for our community that’s been divested from police since day one. We’re run by and for trans people.”
Wildflower Alliance (888) 407-4515 [Monday through Thursday] PST: 4pm to 6pm / EST: 7pm to 9pm [Friday through Sunday] PST: 4pm-7pm / EST: 7pm-10pm ”A peer support line (sometimes referred to as a ‘warmline’) is a private phone line that you can call to get support, ask about resources, connect with another person who can relate or has ‘been there’, or just talk. Our peer support line is answered by a trained peer supporter who has their own first-hand experience with psychiatric diagnosis, trauma, addiction, and/or other interrupting challenges. This line does not collect personal information, perform assessment, or call crisis or the police. See hours here.
Fireside Project (623) 473-7433 (call or text) Everyday 11am-11pm ”The psychedelic peer support line provides emotional support during and after psychedelic experiences.”
StrongHearts Native Helpline (844) 762-8483 Available 24/7 ”StrongHearts Native Helpline is a 24/7 safe, confidential and anonymous domestic and sexual violence helpline for Native Americans and Alaska Natives, offering culturally-appropriate support and advocacy.”
LGBTQ National Hotline 888-843-4564 (general, call or online chat) 888-234-7243 (senior-specific) 800-246-7743 (youth-specific, 25-and-under) 888-688-5428 (coming out support) [Monday through Friday] PST: from 1pm to 9pm [Saturday] PST: from 9am to 2pm “All of our support volunteers identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ family, and are here to serve the entire community, by providing free & confidential peer-support, information, and local resources through national hotlines and online programs.“
The Liberation Line The Liberation Line provides free mental health support calls to organizers and activists, offering support, listening, processing or debriefing. These are confidential, non-crisis, non-therapy phone calls facilitated by a trusted volunteer mental health professional aligned with Palestinian and collective liberation.
The Liberation Line is open to any organizer or activist involved in social or political change, who may be impacted by police or state brutality, counter protestor violence, racism, oppression, or experience conflict, stress, burnout or trauma related to their community organizing or activism.-- Book a call: https://www.liberationline.org...
Alternatives to Suicide Peer Support Groups
(Alt2Su, harm reduction model from Wildflower Alliance)
Self-Accessible Guides, Offerings, & Resources
Use this handy self care flow chart : - https://philome.la/jace_harr/you-feel-like-shit-an-interactive-self-care-guide/play/index.html?fbclid=IwAR2DZNoWRygN_4U9D9Hr96Br1R6xI9etdze1PPmyjqarkcaXu1Y5Bi3dDcM (helps you pinpoint what you're feeling crappy about)
Camille Barton's Grief Toolkit (includes videos of somatic exercises) https://global-diversity.org/g...
Try these pocket-sized self soother exercises! https://drive.google.com/file/d/14Sr6eq9bYNgtIg5Qrvkwm3o8F5rTC552/view?usp=sharing
Camille Barton's Grief Toolkit (includes videos of somatic exercises) https://global-diversity.org/g... Handbook for Survivors of Suicide https://www.crisissupport.org/...
Dandelion Hill Resources that are inclusive and affirming https://linktr.ee/dandelionhil...
Self Harm Alternatives, Redirections, & Harm Reduction (A collection of offerings from those with lived experience, Dandelion Hill) https://drive.google.com/file/...
Things that helped when the despair got big + loud... (lived Experience offerings for managing suicidality, Dandelion Hill) https://drive.google.com/file/...
What Autistic People Wish You Knew ( from those with lived experience, Dandelion Hil) https://drive.google.com/file/...
What I Wish You Knew About Suicidality (offerings from those with lived experience, Dandelion Hill) https://drive.google.com/file/... & https://drive.google.com/file/...
What I Wish You Knew About Grief (offerings from those with lived experience, Dandelion Hill) https://drive.google.com/file/...
Surviving Depression & Despair (offerings from those with lived experience, Dandelion Hill) https://drive.google.com/file/...
What Anxious Folks Wish You Knew... (offerings from those with lived experience, Dandelion Hill) https://drive.google.com/file/...
What Kind of Support is Actually Helpful When You're Suicidal (offerings from those with lived experience, Dandelion Hill) https://drive.google.com/file/...
Spoonie Care Plan https://drive.google.com/file/...
Non- Carceral Resources & Support (Dandelion Hill) https://drive.google.com/file/...
InReach InReach has verified services for LGBTQ+ asylum seekers, refugees and other immigrants, LGBTQ+ Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) communities, the transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) community, LGBTQ+ youth and their caregivers, and more LGBTQ+ communities. https://inreach.org/?fbclid=Iw...
Autism Crisis Support Resources https://www.autismcrisissuppor... Created by the Autism and Suicide Prevention Workgroup. The mission of the workgroup is to support the Autism community in all issues of suicide.
More Crisis Services
Some crisis line workers below are mandated to report calls regarding suicide to the police (i.e. "active rescue"). If this is a concern, we encourage you to first ask about their reporting policies before sharing.
Please use these resources below with discretion:
Trevor Hotline for LGBTQ+ youth
Text "START" to 678678
Trevor Hotline for LGBTQ+ youth
NAMI Helpline 24/7
Text "NAMI" TO 741741
NAMI Helpline to talk to a trained crisis counselor 24/7
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
(800) 273-8255
(800) 799-4889 Deaf or hard of hearing
(800) 273-8255 Video relay service and voice/ caption
(888) 628-9454 Red de prevención de suicidio en Español
National Domestic Violence Hotline
(800) 799-7233
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)
(800) 656- 4673
Veterans Crisis Line
(800) 273-8255
National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline
(800) 656-4673
Alcoholism & Drug Dependency Hope Line
(800) 622-2255
Lines for Life
Lines for Life: talk to a suicide or substance use specialist. They also offer support for: military & family, senior loneliness, teen-to-teen crisis help, and racial equity support.
Learn More about Suicide Hotlines
Mad In America: Suicide Hotline Transparency Project
Click here to see responses from various hotlines regarding their policies & police intervention
Suicide Hotlines and the Impact of Non-Consensual Interventions